This fund is now fully subscribed!

+ 6.75%* projected cash return paid monthly

+ Industrial properties in Waikato and Hawkes Bay

+ Warehouses, workshops & logistics - risk spread across multiple tenants

+ Exposure to growth sectors - agriculture, horticulture and construction

+ Invest with property professionals with a proven track record

+ $100,000 minimum investment for wholesale/eligible investors only

*Projected pre-tax return for full one-year period. Details on how the return will be calculated, and the risk associated with the investment and return, are set out in the Information Memorandum

Offer restricted to “Wholesale Investors” under clauses 3(2) and 3(3) of Schedule 1 to the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 (or to any other person to whom an exclusion applies under Schedule 1 of that Act).

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NZ Warehousing & Logistics Property Fund LP Highlight Video

Initial Properties  


146 Collins Road, Hamilton 

Property Type - Multi tenanted warehouse with 12 separate tenantable areas

Land Area - 9,432 sqm

Seismic - 67% NBS

Rent P.A - $468,624

WALT - 1.95  years (including underwrites)

Tenants - Torpedo7, Toplink Global, Gecko International, Tommy's Trailers, Bench Works, Great Doors, J Engineering and others


18 Cooper Street, Havelock North 

Property Type - Warehouse including cool store

Land Area - 6,015 sqm

Seismic - 75% NBS

Rent P.A - $420,000

Lease Term - 10 years from 1/10/21

Tenant - Cherri Global Limited

Omahu Webpage Sizing 50521

822 Omahu Road, Hastings  

Property Type - Multi tenanted industrial with 8 units

Land Area - 1,526 sqm (more or less)*

Seismic - 100% NBS

Rent P.A - $172,920

WALT - 2.6 years

Tenants - Amalgamated Packaging Brokers & Aristotle Holdings, Innovate Maintenance Solutions

*Land area is still to be finalised and is subject to survey

Fund Strategy  

A Portfolio Approach

E+O’s NZ Warehousing & Logistics Property Fund LP (the Limited Partnership) will acquire a portfolio of industrial properties that provide investors with a competitive return, diversification by tenant, location, and industry, and potential growth in property values over time.

Drawing on their property expertise, E+O have identified initial properties in regions with strong local economies driven by industries that have proven resilient to the pandemic including agriculture, horticulture, food processing, manufacturing, infrastructure development, and construction.

Further properties with similar attributes will be added to the portfolio over time.

Target Returns

The Limited Partnership will target distributions to investors of at least 6.75% per annum (Projected Cash Net Pre Tax Annual Yield on Equity).

DJI_0021 Outlined


Investments in syndicated commercial and industrial property does carry risk. Prospective investors must determine whether the investment is appropriate having regard to their own investment objectives and financial situation. Investors are encouraged to seek independent financial, tax and legal advice on these matters.

The Limited Partnership and General Partner (E+O Property Syndication Limited) consider that the most significant risk factors that could affect the value of Units in the Limited Partnership are:

Loss of rental income: A default by a tenant in paying rent and outgoings may affect forecast returns.

Re-leasing: Costs may be incurred in any future re-leasing of a property and failure to re-lease will likely affect its value.

Interest rate and bank risk: Interest rate movements are unable to be accurately predicted and an increase in interest rates may affect returns and bank covenant compliance.

Capital expenditure risk: Capital expenditure for a property may be more than budgeted. No warranty or representation is made in respect of whether the revenue, expenses, or any capital appreciation in the future will be achieved.

Actual results are likely to be different to the forecasts since anticipated events frequently do not occur as expected and the variation may be significant. Accordingly, Erskine + Owen, its shareholders, directors, employees, advisors or agents nor any other person can provide any assurance with respect to such information.