Director’s thoughtpiece: Sex, Drugs and Inflation

December 20, 2022

It feels like inflation has become a bit rock’n’roll. In the way that rock’n’roll 50 years ago was ‘bad’, almost shocking, but now, just another music genre. Parents used to fear what Mick Jagger would do to their daughters. Now – not so much. Pop, drum and bass (please no more drum n bass on…

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Interest Rates Have Dropped – So What?

August 15, 2022

Home lending interest rates have dropped, and I am left wondering whether we should breathe a sigh of relief that this is the end of interest rate hikes or be cynical and assume that this is a simple marketing ploy by banking marketers who have had the heat put on them to lift borrowing enquiry.…

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Interest rates to drop 

June 16, 2022

It was not so long ago that I frequently heard people saying “we are in new era where interest rates will never return to pre-GFC levels”. I listened to a bank economist link interest rate spikes to population explosions, like the post World War 2 baby-boom phenomenon. The argument was that if you went back…

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EO commercial property syndicates – frequently asked questions

June 8, 2022

1. How will a rise in interest rates impact the syndicate? Banks predict that interest rates may peak towards the end of next year (2023). We don’t have certainty on that, but we actively manage the risks. We believe that the rent inflation will provide a natural hedge against the rise in interest rates because…

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Strong performance from a recent acquisition: 20 Westland Place

May 20, 2022

Our industrial investment strategy for Westland Property Syndicate is yielding good results.                          In November 2021, the Westland Property Syndicate LP purchased a prime industrial building in Rolleston – 20km from the Christchurch CBD. We liked the Rolleston location because it is one of the…

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Positive impact, long-term leases drive investment in daycare centres

April 29, 2022

Government funding support for early childhood sector attracting wholesale investors to Erskine Owen’s NZ Daycare Properties Fund LP. Daycare Properties Fund is enticing property investors Long-term leases and significant government support are enticing property investors to invest in daycare centres.  Alan Henderson, Director at property investment company Erskine Owen, said the specialist investment sector is…

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War in Ukraine, a de-globalised economy and inflation: what it all means for NZ

April 19, 2022

    Erskine Owen director Alan Henderson sat down with economist Dr David Skilling to discuss how changes in the global economy might affect New Zealand. David advises governments, companies, and financial institutions in the Asia Pacific, the Middle East and Europe on dynamics in global macro, economic policy, globalisation, and geopolitics. A global decoupling…

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Distribution centre syndication delivers strong returns to investors

March 23, 2022

Distribution centre syndication delivers strong returns to investors In late 2019, we launched a property syndication to purchase a Heinz Wattie’s distribution centre in Hastings for $29.1m. Two years later, the syndication has consistently delivered strong cash returns and capital growth.   First, the syndicate has achieved an 8% return (paid monthly) – in line with…

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How are we helping a client build a $135k per annum passive income – after tax 

March 23, 2022

In 2009, Mr and Mrs Brown approached Erskine Owen with a clear goal: retire in 2029, with $135,000 per year income after tax.   Erskine Owen directors Alan Henderson and Lisa Phillips got to work. Working backwards from their 2029 financial goal, they put together a 20-year plan to achieve it through intelligent property investment.   The…

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Is the NZ Property Party Over?

December 21, 2021
nz property market

In the year to September inflation hit 4.9%, the highest in a decade, and mortgage rates have risen rapidly. As a property investor it is natural to be concerned about the impact on property prices and yields…and ask is the property party over? Inflation While the inflation rate has startled some investors, the real question…

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